Ruby: Exploring the red beauty

The History of Rubies: Significance, Legends and Beliefs

Rubies are one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world, with a rich history spanning thousands of years. These precious stones have been prized for their deep red colour and exquisite beauty, as well as their supposed magical powers and healing properties. From ancient cultures to modern times, rubies have held a significant place in human history, with many legends and beliefs surrounding them.

The earliest known rubies were discovered in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) and have been mined there for over 2,000 years. The Burmese have long considered rubies to be the "king of gemstones" and believed that they had the power to protect the wearer from harm. Ancient Hindus and Persians also valued rubies highly, and believed that they had the ability to promote peace and tranquility.

In medieval Europe, rubies were considered a symbol of wealth and power, and were often used to adorn the regalia of kings and queens. They were also believed to have healing properties, and were used to treat a variety of ailments, from blood disorders to digestive problems.

One of the most famous legends surrounding rubies is the story of the "curse of the ruby." According to the legend, a Burmese prince stole a ruby from a temple, and as a result, a curse was placed on the stone. Anyone who possessed the ruby would suffer misfortune and tragedy, and the stone would bring bad luck to all those who came into contact with it. This legend helped to fuel the belief that rubies possessed magical powers and could bring both good and bad luck to the wearer.

Today, rubies continue to be highly prized, and are considered one of the most valuable gemstones in the world. They are often used in high-end Jewellery, and their deep red colour is thought to symbolize love, passion, and courage. While many of the legends and beliefs surrounding rubies may seem outdated or superstitious, they serve as a testament to the enduring allure of these beautiful stones and their rich history.


Understanding the 4 Cs of Rubies: How to Evaluate Quality

Rubies are among the most sought-after precious gemstones in the world. Their vivid red colour, durability, and rarity make them highly desirable in Jewellery making. When purchasing a ruby, it's important to understand the 4 Cs: colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Evaluating these characteristics can help you determine the quality and value of a ruby.

Colour: The most important factor when evaluating rubies. The finest rubies have a deep, rich red colour with a slight blue undertone. This colour is known as "pigeon's blood" and is the most valuable. However, rubies can also come in lighter shades of pink, purple, or brown, which are less valuable. When evaluating the colour of a ruby, look for evenness and intensity. A high-quality ruby should have a consistent colour throughout the stone.

Clarity: This refers to the presence of any inclusions or blemishes within the ruby. Inclusions are natural imperfections that occur within the stone, while blemishes are surface imperfections. A high-quality ruby should have minimal inclusions and blemishes, as they can affect the stone's durability and brilliance. However, it's important to note that rubies often have some level of inclusion, and a completely flawless ruby is extremely rare.

Cut: This refers to the way the ruby has been shaped and polished. A well-cut ruby will have a symmetrical shape and proper proportions, which allow for maximum light reflection and brilliance. A poorly cut ruby will look dull and lifeless. When evaluating the cut of a ruby, look for evenness and symmetry in the facets.

Carat weight: This is the measurement of a ruby's weight. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams. The larger the ruby, the more valuable it is. However, carat weight should not be the only factor when evaluating a ruby's quality. A smaller ruby with excellent colour, clarity, and cut can be more valuable than a larger ruby with poor quality.


The Beauty of Ruby Jewellery: Designs, Cuts and Settings

Ruby jewellery has been admired for its stunning beauty and elegance for centuries. Rubies are known for their deep red colour, which symbolizes love, passion, and power. Ruby jewellery is a popular choice for special occasions such as engagements, weddings, and anniversaries.

Designs: Ruby jewellery is available in a variety of designs, ranging from traditional to modern. Traditional designs are often inspired by Indian and Middle Eastern styles and feature intricate patterns and filigree work. Modern designs, on the other hand, are characterized by sleek and simple designs that showcase the beauty of the ruby itself. Popular ruby jewellery designs include rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and necklaces. The choice of design will depend on personal preference and the occasion for which the jewellery is intended.

Cuts: Ruby is a hard and durable gemstone that can be cut into a range of shapes and sizes. The most popular cuts for ruby include oval, round, pear, cushion, and princess. Each cut has its own unique charm and can be paired with different types of settings
to create a stunning piece of jewellery. The choice of cut will depend on personal preference, as well as the style of the jewellery piece.

Settings: The setting of a ruby is just as important as its design and cut. There are many types of settings for ruby jewellery, including prong, bezel, pave, and channel. A prong setting, where the ruby is held in place by metal prongs, is the most popular type of setting for ruby engagement rings. A bezel setting, where the ruby is surrounded by a metal rim, provides a more secure setting and is ideal for active wearers. A pave setting, where small diamonds are set around the ruby, adds extra sparkle and glamour to the jewellery. A channel setting, where rubies are set in a row between two metal strips, is popular for wedding bands.


Ruby vs. Other Precious Stones: What Sets it Apart?

Ruby is one of the most treasured gemstones in the world. It is a variety of the mineral corundum and gets its red colour from the presence of chromium. While it is often compared to other precious stones such as diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires, ruby has unique characteristics that set it apart.

Firstly, ruby's vibrant colour sets it apart from other stones. The deep red hue is highly valued and makes ruby a popular choice for Jewellery. Unlike diamonds, which are graded based on clarity and colourlessness, rubies are evaluated based on their colour intensity, with the most valuable rubies having a deep red colour with a hint
of blue.

Secondly, ruby is a highly durable stone, with a Mohs hardness of 9. This makes it ideal for use in Jewellery, as it can withstand everyday wear and tear. Rubies are also highly resistant to scratching and chipping, which is why they are often used in engagement rings and other types of fine Jewellery.

Another factor that sets ruby apart from other stones is its rarity. While diamonds are widely available and can be found in many different countries, ruby deposits are much less common. The most famous ruby mines are located in Myanmar, but rubies can also be found in other countries, including Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Due to their
scarcity, rubies are highly prized and can command high prices.

Finally, ruby has a long history and cultural significance. It has been used in Jewellery for centuries and is often associated with love, passion, and courage. In some cultures, rubies are believed to have healing properties and are thought to promote good health and


Famous Rubies: Legends, Stories and Mysteries

Rubies have captivated people's imaginations for centuries, and throughout history, they have been associated with legends, stories, and mysteries. Here are some of the most famous rubies and the tales that surround them.

One of the most famous rubies in history is the Black Prince's Ruby, which is not actually a ruby at all, but a red spinel. It is set in the Imperial State Crown of England and is said to have belonged to Edward, the Black Prince, who received it as a gift from Pedro the Cruel of Castile in the 14th century. According to legend, the Black Prince wore the ruby in battle as a talisman, and it brought him great success.

The Timur Ruby is another famous gemstone. It is a large, deep-red ruby that weighs 352.5 carats and is believed to have been owned by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in the 17th century. The ruby is named after the Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur, who may have taken it from the Sultan of Delhi during his invasion of India in the 14th century.

The Sunrise Ruby is a 25.59-carat Burmese ruby that sold at auction for a record-breaking $30 million in 2015. The ruby is considered one of the finest ever found, with a vivid, saturated red colour and exceptional clarity. According to the gemologist who evaluated it, the Sunrise Ruby is "a unique treasure of nature" and "unlike any ruby known to exist in the world today."

The Rosser Reeves Ruby is a 138.7-carat star ruby that was discovered in Sri Lanka in the 1950s. It was named after Rosser Reeves, an advertising executive who bought it for his wife. The ruby has a six-pointed star that appears to move across the stone as it is
turned, a phenomenon known as asterism. According to legend, the Rosser Reeves
Ruby is cursed and brings bad luck to anyone who possesses it.


The Science of Rubies: Formation, Characteristics and Properties

Rubies are one of the most valuable and sought-after gemstones in the world. Their deep red colour, rarity, and durability make them a popular choice for high-end Jewellery. But what exactly are rubies, and how are they formed?

Rubies are formed deep within the Earth's crust, in areas of high pressure and temperature. Most rubies come from metamorphic rocks, such as marble or gneiss, that have been subjected to intense heat and pressure over millions of years. During this process, the corundum crystals in the rocks are transformed into rubies.

When it comes to evaluating the quality of a ruby, there are several factors to consider. The most important is the colour, with the most valuable rubies having a deep red colour with a hint of blue. Clarity is also important, with fewer inclusions or flaws indicating a higher quality gemstone. Cut and carat weight are also factors, with well-cut and larger rubies being more valuable.

In addition to their use in Jewellery, rubies also have several industrial applications. Their hardness and durability make them ideal for use in cutting tools, bearings, and other high-wear applications.


 Investing in Rubies: What You Need to Know to Make Informed

Investing in rubies can be an exciting and potentially profitable endeavour, but it's important to understand the basics of the market and the gemstone itself before making any investments. Here are some key things to know when considering investing in rubies:

Ruby Characteristics: Rubies are a red variety of the mineral corundum and are one of the four precious gemstones, alongside diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. They are known for their vibrant colour, durability, and rarity, with high-quality rubies often fetching high prices at auction.

Market Demand: Ruby demand is driven by both the gemstone's beauty and its cultural significance. Rubies have been prized by cultures around the world for centuries, with associations to love, passion, and power. The largest market for rubies is in the United States, but demand is also strong in Asia, particularly in China and India.

Supply: The supply of high-quality rubies is limited, with the majority of the world's rubies coming from mines in Burma, Thailand, and Mozambique. However, there are concerns about the ethics of some ruby mining practices, with reports of human rights abuses and environmental damage in some areas.

Grading and Certification: When investing in rubies, it's important to ensure that the gemstone is of high quality and authenticity. Gemstones are graded based on factors such as colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight, with the highest quality rubies often having a vivid red colour with minimal inclusions. Certification from reputable gemological organizations such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) can provide assurance of a ruby's quality and authenticity.

Investment Potential: Rubies can be a good investment for those who are willing to take a long-term approach and have the financial resources to invest in high-quality stones. However, as with any investment, there are risks and uncertainties involved, and it's important to carefully research the market and work with a trusted investment advisor.

Overall, investing in rubies can be a rewarding experience for those who are willing to do their due diligence and make informed choices. With a strong market demand and limited supply of high-quality stones, rubies can be a valuable addition to a diversified investment portfolio.